Frequently Asked Questions

What is Instant-Deals.com? Is Instant-Deals.com free of charge?

As instant deals we don’t actually sell anything. Instant Deals is a service, not a store. We set out to find the best price, no matter where it is.  We offers thousands of quality coupon codes and promotions that are updated regularly. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. All content cited is derived from their respective sources.

Yes, Instant-Deals.com is always free for our users. You can be sure that you will never be charged for using our services and offers.

Do you sell the products on your site?

In General, Instant-Deals doesn’t sell the products we list. We’re a news site that reports the very best deals offered by hundreds of merchants. We have a staff of writers who search the Internet daily to find the best deals available on a variety of products. We aim to save our readers both time and money by pointing them to the best bargains, deals and coupons available on the web.

What's a Best-Seller, Best Price, Best Value and Editors' Choice?

These icons represent the best of the best. When you see an Editors’ Choice icon, you’re seeing something worth to check it out.

What is a coupon code?

Usually, a coupon code is composed of various numbers, letters, or a combination of both. Stores generally use coupons to stimulate sales, while you can benefit from lower prices at the same time – this creates a true win-win situation.

How can I redeem a coupon code?

To redeem a coupon code, you should start by choosing your favorite brand at Instant-Deals.com. Once you have found the right coupon code, click on “Get Coupon” and copy your code. You will now be redirected to the appropriate online store, where you can place all of the desired items in your cart. During the checkout process – usually on the shopping cart page or during the last step of your order – you simply enter your code in the designated box and receive your discount right away.

The discount code did not work / purchased product through a deal needs to be returned. What can I do?

Please post in the comments section of that coupon with a detailed account of your experience. It may have expired before we were able to remove it from our site. Retailers often do not clarify how long a deal or code will last. We test coupons throughout the day and do our best to remove them from our site as quickly as possible when they expire.

Please contact the store/merchant you purchased the product from to determine what their return policy is.

What are the fastest ways to find coupons?
  • When you want to shop at a specific store – type the store’s name in the search bar at the top of the page to see all the coupons and special offers from that store.


  • When you want to find the best deal – Click on “Browse Coupons”  “All Categories” in the menu at the top of the page and choose from over 100 common sense categories. When you click on the category of your choice, we’ll show you the top coupons within that category.


  • When you’re looking for a specific product or service – Type in the name of what you want in the search bar at the top of the page. For example, let’s say that your spouse heard from a friend that it was OK to use the dishwasher to degrease the engine he/she was rebuilding. When you type “hotels” in the search bar, we’ll show you any coupons and special offers that have for the word “hotels” in the title or description.
Why is a price for a product you list on your site different than on the merchant's website? / Why is the coupon code I got from your site not working on the merchant's website?

Our content team manually verifies each deal and coupon we list on Instant-Deals before it’s even listed. However, deals often expire after we list them, sometimes within hours. Often, the merchants don’t tell us. We depend on our readers to let us know when a deal has expired or when a coupon code is not working. Some deals or coupons have an expiration date, but are also limited to a certain number of uses. Once this limit is reached, the deal will expire regardless of the expiration date. In addition, merchants reserve the right to change or cancel deals at their discretion and without notice

I clicked on an Offer. Why don’t I don’t see a coupon code?

With product deals and other types of Offers, you don’t need a coupon code. All you have to do is click on the “Get Deal” or “Get Offer” button, and the discount will be automatically applied to your purchase upon checkout.

What's the Difference Between a Deal and a Coupon?

A deal is a discounted price on a product or subset of products, while a coupon is either a code or a voucher, which is required to be submitted or surrendered at the time of purchase.

There are certainly variations and overlap between each offer type, but we use these definitions to determine what shows up in Instant-Deals and what shows up in Coupons.

What is your Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions?

Review our privacy policy here and terms & conditions here

How can my company be featured on the Instant-Deals site?

If you are interested in partnering with Instant-Deals to promote your products or services, please contact us

How do I report a broken link?

If you click on a link in one of our product deals and you aren’t able to access the merchant’s site, If you can access the merchant’s site, but you are not directed to the correct deal or if you find that the product or price we reported are no longer available, comment to let us know. You can also use our contact page to report a non-working link.

My question is not listed here – what can I do?

Were we unable to answer your question as part of our FAQ? Then contact us via the contact form or via e-mail.

faq instant-dealsDon’t hesitate to contact us if you have any idea of improving instant-deals.com or any questions & complaints about the deals, coupons and discount codes.

Please select related subject if you are a merchant, store or agency. Feel free to reach us if you want to advertise with us or send public releases to our website.

Instant Deals is a service, not a store. We set out to find the best price, no matter where it is and we are not related to merchants, stores or service providers listed on this website. You can find more details at About Us page and do not forget to visit Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions sections to learn more details about our website.

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