Trains in Vietnam

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What is the railway like in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, all railways are government run but they have allowed private companies to furnish and service luxury cars which are attached to the state trains. Tracks span the length of the country and generally run near the coast which can make for nice views. Nearly all major tourist destinations can be reached by train and in most cases it is faster than taking the bus and certainly more relaxing. One of the only popular places unreachable by train is Dalat in the central highlands which one can get to by train or plane. Short delays are not uncommon but often trains are able to make up the lost time and arrive on time.

Vietnam Railway Ticket


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FAQs | Vietnam Railways

Where can I find train schedules?

All information and scheduling can be found on our website and if you believe something is missing please let us know. We get our information updated in real time from the railway to ensure accuracy and you can find train schedules, costs, travel times and train types by entering your desired origin and destination into the search bar. Please note that for some routes we do not display results for the 3rd Class hard seats. If you really want to travel via hard seat, you may contact us and we will check availability.

What are railway stations like in Vietnam?

Vietnamese train stations often consist of little more than a ticket office and a waiting room which many European travelers will find quite bare and basic in terms of amenities (for American travelers it will not be all that different from your average Amtrak station). Recently free wifi has been deployed to most major stations and ticket QR codes are often being scanned directly from smart phones, so the process is rapidly modernizing.
With the exceptions of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, few stations have food or convenience stores inside but you should be able to find anything you need in the area directly surrounding the station. Trains stop only shortly at most stations so your chances to purchase items once on board will be limited. The railway is not known it either its gourmet or affordable food and drink.

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