What is the railway like in Thailand?
All railway tracks in Thailand belong to the state-owned company State Railway of Thailad (SRT). The tracks go across the country, using a narrow railway width of one meter. In many areas there is only a single-track line, which can result in train delays in the course of your journey. Passengers stay on the train during the stops, which usually last less than ten minutes. The total length of railway track is about 4180 km. The main hub of the railway network is in Bangkok, through which all routes pass.

Where can I find train schedules?
Of course all information about the latest train schedules can be found on website (which in some cases is more up-to-date than SRT’s official website: train schedules. Here you can get all the information on the movement on train schedules, costs, travel times and train types by entering the point of departure and your desired destination.
What are railway stations like in Thailand?
When compared to European stations, the railway stations in Thailand are a bit more sparse. Frequently, stations consist of a roof but no walls except for a ticket office where you can buy your tickets. In most places there is a small waiting room where you can find a seat. Restaurants and snack bars are also available at some stations
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